Monday, March 19, 2012

So, are you guys moving to Malawi?

Dear Friends,
Velda and I want to express our thanks to each of you for your love, prayer, and support over the last few months as we seek the place God would have us serve as missionaries. We recently made a vision trip to Malawi, Africa to explore the possibility of serving as Church Planting Supporters to the Yao people. We asked you to pray with us, that God would give us a clear vision as to how we might be a part of the ministry there. SIM’s vision for reaching the Yao consists of having a base of operations in the town of Mangochi where missionaries who live in the rural mountains can come back to every few weeks and restock and rest after living in very harsh conditions. Currently the missionaries there spend most of their time and energy just trying to live. The homes are in need of constant maintenance. The Guesthouse SIM has in Mangochi needs managing. Administrative issues need to be handled. Vehicles need maintaining. Etc. There is no Home Depot, there is no Auto Zone, there is no skilled labor. They need someone there to help take care of these things. There would be opportunities to build relationships with local people as you train people to help in these matters or get to know those in market who may have some building supplies and things like that. It is a very spiritually dark place and a very challenging place to live and serve. The missionaries that live there say they need someone passionate about maintenance and they are correct. There is where our answer from God came. Velda and I are not passionate about maintenance. We did not feel this was the position God had for us. We thank God that He answered our prayers and gave us a clear vision of that.
We definitely saw God’s hand at work in our lives and discovered a lot while we were on our trip. We got to see first-hand what it is like to live and serve in Africa. On our short term trips we have taken, everything was task oriented and scheduled. We had seen very little of the day to day challenges and struggles of just living in Africa. We got a real sense of what that is like. We got to see how SIM operates on the field and the support they have for one another. We got to meet some incredible missionaries whose great faith has inspired us to be more faithful. We learned a lot about ourselves and how God can use us in ways we had not considered before. We hope we were an encouragement to the missionaries and the Malawian brothers and sisters in Christ. We also got to experience traveling by bus in Africa. (That is a story of God’s grace for another time)
Please pray that God will send the right person to help the missionaries in Mangochi. The missionary couple who are retiring after 21 years in Mangochi have seen 117 missionaries from various missions and denominations come and go. The missionary definitely needs to be called to that place to serve there. Thanks to the work of that couple, the Bible has now been translated into the Yao language and will soon be printed. Finally the Yao will be able to hear God speak in their heart language. Praise God! Pray that His word will go forth with power and many Yao will come to know Him.
Pray for Velda and I as we continue to seek the place God has for us and explore new and exciting opportunities to serve.
May God richly bless you and thanks for partnering with us as we serve together to fulfill the Great Commission.
Paul and Velda Rikel