Saturday, June 7, 2008

What would Jesus do at the Ballpark?

You ever have one of those weeks when regardless of what you do, everything seems to stress you out? I am having one of those weeks. I am doing all the right things, Praying, spending time with God, studying His word, yet every little thing seems to get on my nerves. You ever have days or weeks like that? You tell yourself things like "Turn your eyes on Jesus upon Jesus and the things of this world will grow strangely dim." and about that time, someone who is obviously posessed by a demon of road rage, cuts you off in traffic. Or, you talk to your kids baseball team about being good sports and having a Christ like attitude and doing all things as though you were doing them for God, when suddenly the bus that says "School for the Vision Impaired" pulls up and the umpires get off the bus and yell "playball". At this point, it is all you can do to smile and pray for that poor umpire, that those scales will fall off his eyes and he will clearly begin to see things your way before you erupt into some kind of Mt. St. Helens explosion sending dust ,bats, hats and grumbles into some layer of the atmosphere that you haven't heard of since 8th grade. So what do you do? What would Jesus do at the ballpark?
In all reality the guy in traffic probably just didn't see you or maybe he is having as bad or worse a week as you are. And the umpires are probably doing a terrific job at something most of us wouldn't dare do or have the skills to do. They are doing it for the Kids mostly. Yet the stress is still there and perception is reality. The ol' straw that breaks the camels back was put on about 20 straws ago and the world keeps piling those straws on. So, what do we do? We ask that age old question "WWJD?" Our first thought would be, he would cast out the demon in that car driving like a bat out of the place prepared for the devil, or perform a miracle of healing on the umps eyes. However if you are like me, and exorcism and healing are not your strong suites, you may have to look elsewhere for some answers.
Do you fashion a whip out of strips of leather like Jesus did and just start driving people out of your life that seem to be ticking you off? There is a time for some righteous wrath, but if used in the improper way, can be considered assault and battery. No, I believe there is a time when you just have to get away and be by yourself and talk to the father. That is what Jesus did on a few occasions. It if is what Jesus did, it probably is a good thing for me too. There is no Biblical account of what Jesus said or prayed about when He went up on the mountain, but I often wonder if it didn't go something like this:
"Dad, you have got to help me out here. This place is driving me nuts. I understand now why cousin John stayed out in the wilderness eating locust and honey and dressed like a Sasquatch. These people are getting on my nerves, I mean I love them, but good grief! I got all the Pharisee's stirred up trying to trip me up everywhere I go, and they are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites with there 2 hour prayers and there noses in the air looking down on everyone. Then there are the disciples. They still just don't get it. Thomas always doubting everything. Judas has his hand in the teal. Peter blurting out crazy stuff all the time. John is so "In Love" with me, he wont give me any space. Then there is the multitudes. Everyone has to have a miracle. Sometimes I feel more like a wonders vending machine than I do the Son of God, Messiah. Cranking out miracles, healings, words of life, not to mention no one ever packs a lunch and we have to keep making fish and chips buffet for 5000. I am more like a Holy ATM than the source of all life."
Maybe His conversations were nothing like that at all, but it is how a lot of mine are. And you know what? I always feel better when I go to Him and just lay it all out there for Him. I think of Jesus sitting at the right hand of God, interceding there for me saying "He is right, I have been there. Those people will drive you crazy. Lets give Paul an extra dose of that peace that surpasses all understanding."
When the world is trying to tear you down, go sit and talk with Jesus. He will build you up, and strengthen you. After all, He's been there.

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