Saturday, August 9, 2008

What Was I Thinking?

As I write this this blog post I keep asking myself "What were you thinking?". Earlier today, My family attended a Sunday School party at the lake, where we had fun and frolicking in a couple of boats on the water. Now for some people this would be no big deal, however for me and my infinite lack of wisdom and discernment, this was a time of being drug through the water on a giant inner tube at 35 mph. Actually, the being pulled through the water is not the bad part, it is the being thrown off the tube at just under the speed of sound and skipping across the water like a 240lb halibut on acid. At the time I was having a blast, and of course all that man ego stuff kicks in and you feel it necessary to conquer what ever the tube of doom can throw at you. You say things like "Faster, sharper turns, and I think I can stay on no matter what." I think about it now and wonder why? I feel like I went over Niagara Falls in a barrel filled with anvils, only to be pulled to shore by a 7 foot physical therapist named Helga and twisted into a pretzel as she repeats in a heavy Scandinavian accent "Yoga is good, no?" I feel like I was eaten by wolves and crapped over a cliff. I feel like the only surviving member of the parachuteless sky diving club.
You know that is the way sin is also. You think "This is a blast", and you are really not thinking about the consequences. Things like pride, ego, or selfishness kick in and before you know it, you are making poor choices. But eventually your sins catch up with you and you pay the price and inevitably ask yourself "What was I thinking?"

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